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Government Center
17 South Seventh Street
Allentown, PA 18101
Phone: 610-782-3126
FAX: 610-820-3008


Intellectual Disabilities

The Lehigh County Intellectual Disabilities Program is mandated by the MH/MR Act of 1966 to provide a comprehensive array of services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities utilizing federal, state and local tax dollars.

We believe people with disabilities have the right to plan a future for themselves based on their preferences, beliefs and abilities. Accessible, responsive and culturally appropriate services and supports are designed to support self-determination and maximize independence, choice and responsibility in the community.

Meet Our Team 


Comments and Suggestions






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⭐ODP Reissues the Gold Book  ⭐ODP Reissues the Gold Book - Monday, July 31, 2023

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs has published its latest edition of the Gold Book. The Gold Book is intended to be a comprehensive guide for families as they enter and navigate the ODP service system.

Click here to view the Gold Book



resizedResource Carnival Flyer 2025


VOH April 2025_Page_1


LVET Webinar 3.26.2025


Independent Monitoring for Quality Lehigh AE Summary 2022

IM4Q Lehigh AE Summary 2022 (copy for website)638284017945007483