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Lehigh County Behavioral HealthChoices
Lehigh County Government Center
17 South Seventh Street
Allentown Pennsylvania 18101

Phone: 610-782-3945
Fax: 610-820-3689


Magellan's Member Newsletter

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Health Choices Contacts

  • For information related to Magellan Behavioral Health, HealthChoices Services, member handbook, eligibility, etc., please call the Lehigh Magellan member line at 1-866-238-2311 or for TTY (PA Relay 7-1-1).  Information can also be accessed by clicking on the following link:
  • For concerns or comments about the Lehigh County HealthChoices Program and/or Magellan Behavioral Health, you can:
    • Contact the Consumer and Family Satisfaction Team through Recovery Partnership at 610-861-2741 or
    • Contact HealthChoices staff member Andrew Lazo  ( at 610-782-3520 or,
    • Contact HealthChoices staff member Christine Fratrik ( at 610-782-3842.


HealthChoices Program

The Lehigh County HealthChoices Program is committed to ensuring that every person with serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder, and every child and adolescent who abuses substances and/or has a serious emotional disturbance will have the opportunity for growth, recovery and inclusion in their community, will have access to services and supports of their choice, and enjoy a quality of life that includes family and friends.

Program Description

HealthChoices Program offers medically necessary mental health and drug and alcohol services to Medical Assistance eligible children and adults. Individuals are offered a choice of providers for needed mental health or drug and alcohol treatment services. The Lehigh County HealthChoices program is managed by the Departments' Office of Human Services, which also includes the Offices of Mental HealthIntellectual Disabilities / and Drug and Alcohol. The HealthChoices program in Lehigh County is administered through a subcontract with Magellan Behavioral Health.

Please note that Physical Health services through the HealthChoices Program continues to be managed and overseen directly by the Office of Medical Assistance Programs and Department of Health. For information on the specific Physical Health Managed Care Organizations (PH-MCOs), please see the links at the bottom of the page.

Services provided include, but are not limited to:

  • Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization
  • Inpatient drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation
  • Psychiatric outpatient and partial hospitalization
  • Outpatient drug and alcohol services
  • Family-based mental health services (21 years of age and younger)
  • Target case management (intensive case management and resource coordination)
  • Certified Peer Support
  • Intensive Behavioral Health Services for children and adolescents
  • Residential treatment services (21 years of age and younger)
  • Non-hospital Drug and Alcohol Residential detoxification and rehabilitation
  • Medication - Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (MAT-OUD)
  • Medication - Assisted Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (MAT-AUD)
  • Crisis Intervention Services

For a complete list of services and the providers that offer them, please refer to the Magellan Behavioral Health Provider List. Please note that this list is subject to change.

*Information on Complaints and Grievances*

Any question(s) about services should be directed to Magellan B.H. at the following number:

1-866-238-2311 or TTY (PA Relay 7-1-1).

For information on complaints and grievances, how to file a complaint or grievance, or how to get help with such, please see the Section Links box at the top left corner of this webpage.

Lehigh County HealthChoices Fraud and Abuse Hotline - The following hotline is available to anyone who would like to report suspected fraud and/or abuse related to a Medical Assistance/HealthChoices program. Please call (610) 967-9824.


Act 62 - PA Autism Insurance Act

Dear Pennsylvania Families,

 In Pennsylvania, your child’s autism-related services may be covered by private health insurance, Medical Assistance (MA) or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) under Pennsylvania’s Autism Insurance Act (ACT 62). ACT 62 is a statewide insurance mandate specific to services provided to children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

 The Department of Human Services (DHS), Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID), and Department of State (DOS) are working together to fully implement Act 62. A number of new resources have been developed to provide guidance to families about ACT 62. 

 Please see the attached letter from DHS and PID as well as an infographic with guidance for families for more information.

Act 62 Gen Information For Families Infographic.pdf

DHS Insurance Act 62.pdf



Dealing with Trauma in the Community

Frequently, not a day goes by that we don't hear about some kind of tragedy of violence occurring in our community.
Please reference the following links that can help children and others cope with the violence that can occur.

Helping Children Cope with Violence

School Violence - Coping with Anxiety

Tragedy - Taking care of Yourself

Trauma in the Community