Below are the trainings requested through the Department of Drug and Alcohol (DDAP) Training Management System (TMS). All trainings are instructor-led (not virtual) from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM (unless otherwise stated). You must first set up a free account with DDAP TMS to attend training. You would then request a seat (this DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE REGISTERED TO ATTEND) when there are no available seats you will be wait-listed.
Spring 2025 DATE & COURSE
03/17/2025 Motivational Interviewing 1of2 / 6hrs AND 03/18/2025 Motivational Interviewing 2of2 / 6hrs
03/20/2025 Ethics / 6hrs
03/27/2025 Medicated Assisted Treatment / 6hrs
04/01/2025 Co-Occurring Conditions: Promising Practices and Approaches / 6hrs
04/08/2025 Treatment Planning with The ASAM Criteria / 6hrs
04/10/2025 TB/STD/Hepatitis / 4hrs
04/15/2025 The Impact of Substance Use Disorder On Parenting and Children/ 4hrs
04/22/2025 Enabling and Boundaries in Family Recovery / 6hrs
04/29/2025 Screening and Assessment / 6hrs
05/06/2025 Prevention 101 part 1 / 4hrs AND 05/07/2024 Prevention 101 part 2 / 6hrs
05/13/2025 Case Management Skills / 6hrs
05/29/2025 Cultural Competency / 6hrs
For more information on the DDAP Training Management System, contact 717-736-7452,