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Did you know that:

  • It is estimated that about 75-86% of all adults in the US gamble at one time or another (NGISC 1999).
  • Legal gambling in the United States alone is over a $90 Billion per year industry.
  • People who live within 50 miles of a casino are at a higher risk for developing a gambling problem (NGISC 1999).

Individuals can be:

  • Social (Recreational) Gamblers – this is where gambling is one of many forms of entertainment they engage in but not their main recreational activity. These individuals rarely think about gambling and have experienced no negative life consequences from gambling.
  • Problem Gamblers – is a descriptive term used to define those individuals with problems in their lives due to gambling. These problems could be family stress, loss of finances, loss of job / profession (or poor performance), loss of friends / social activities.
  • Pathological Gamblers – is a clinical term for the Impulse Control Disorder defined in the DSM IV 312.31. These individuals usually have had at least one financial bailout from a friend, family member, maxed out credit cards or taken out loans from financial institution.

It is estimated that over 300,000 adults in Pennsylvania are Problem Gamblers. Problem Gamblers and Pathological Gamblers seem to come in two general types: Action Gamblers and Escape Gamblers. Action Gamblers are often male, competitive, play games of skill, and seek the rush of gambling. Pathological Gamblers are often female, less competitive, passive, play games of luck in order to seek an escape.

Looking for additional information on gambling?

Trying to locate a Gambling Treatment Provider?

Gambling Addiction Recourses and Links.

PA Department of Health - Problem Gambling Website.