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Bylaws for the Advisory Council


The name of the organization shall be the Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services Advisory Council (hereafter, Advisory Council).


The purpose of the Advisory Council shall be to assist the County Executive, County Commissioners, Director of the Department of Human Services and Executive Director of the Office of Aging and Adult Services in the following areas:

-To advocate for meeting the continuing needs of the aging and adult (18-59 yrs.) population of Lehigh County;

-To assess and evaluate unmet needs;

-To assist in formulating program policy and services to citizens 18 years of age and older; and

-To monitor existing services to ensure that they successfully meet the needs of the aging and adult population of Lehigh County.

In pursuing this purpose, the Advisory Council shall strive to meet the following goals:

A. To ensure that recipients of services, the general public and other concerned parties, have a significant voice in determining the content and operational methods set forth in the formation of the Annual County Services Plan and the Department of Aging Four-Year Plan;

B. To promote better public understanding of the programs and objectives of the Office of Aging and Adult Services;

C. To share with the Executive Director problems relating to program goals and objectives in an effort to work toward problem resolution;

D. To help formulate policies for the advancement and improvement of operations of the Office of Aging and Adult Services; and

E. To cooperate with other agencies in the community and with appropriate State agencies in coordinating County program efforts with related programs.


The office of the Advisory Council shall be the Offices of the Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services.


A.  The Advisory Council shall consist of a minimum of 15 members.

B. The total Advisory Council membership should be an odd number.

C. At least fifty-one (51) percent of the Advisory Council members shall be at least sixty (60) years of age.

D. The members of the Advisory Council shall be broadly representative of the demographics of the people served by Aging and Adult Services.

E. The County Executive or his/her designee, the Director of the Department of Human Services and the Executive Director of the Office of Aging and Adult Services shall be ex-officio members of the Advisory Council.  Additional ex-officio membership may be added at the discretion of the Advisory Council.

F. The term of membership on the Advisory Council is four (4) years.  Members may be re-appointed for one additional four-year term.

G. Upon completion of a Council member's second term, which consists of (8) consecutive years, said member may continue as an honorary member, taking part in all phases of the Council membership, except for voting.  Honorary members can apply for re-appointment as a full voting member after 1 or more years.

H. Terms of membership should be staggered in length to ensure not more than a thirty-five (35) percent turnover annually.

I. The County Executive shall, subject to confirmation by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the Board of Commissioners in office, appoint candidates to the Advisory Council.

J. Any person employed by the Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services will not be considered for membership on the Advisory Council until a minimum of five years of separation of employment has expired. The separation of employment must be in good standing.

K. To avoid a conflict of interest, an Advisory Council member must physically excuse himself/herself from all deliberations concerning programs or funding for projects with which his/her organization is directly involved. Any voting member of the Advisory Council who is directly involved with the development and/or implementation of a proposal or contract to be funded by the Office of Aging and Adult Services will declare a potential conflict of interest at each Advisory Council meeting when the proposal or contract is discussed. This declaration will be recorded in the minutes and will include refraining from voting on matters pertaining to the proposal or contract. If the conflict of interest presents itself to be ongoing, consideration will be given for removal from the Advisory Council.

L.  Excluded from consideration as an Advisory Council member shall be:
(1) members of the Board of Directors or the Advisory Committee and employees of agencies under contract to the Office of Aging and Adult Services. Such persons may serve as members of a technical advisory committee or other special committees, but may not serve as voting members of the Advisory Council;

(2) political party officials;

(3) holders of a County elective office;

(4) personnel employed by County government;

(5) management level employees of townships, boroughs, municipalities and state or federal government; and

(6) spouses and immediate family members of all of the above.

M.  All Advisory Council members shall make themselves available to serve on ad hoc committees of the Advisory Council as needed.


A. The organizational meeting of the Advisory Council shall be held in January of each year.

B. Meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Advisory Council shall decide.

C. The Advisory Council shall meet a minimum of four (4) times per year.

D. Special meetings may be called by the Advisory Council Chairperson and committee chairpersons at such times as are found necessary.

E. Written notice of regular meetings will be provided to all Advisory Council members.  For special meetings, notification shall be given not less than five (5) days before the date of the special meeting.  The notice of a special meeting shall include the purpose of the meeting.

F. Members of the Advisory Council, who miss three (3) unexcused consecutive regular meetings will be contacted to ascertain interest in remaining on the Advisory Council. Four (4) unexcused missed consecutive regular meetings will result in removal from the Advisory Council.


The order of business for regular meetings may be as follows:

A. Call to Order
B. Approval of Minutes
C. Correspondence
D. Executive Director's Report
E. Chairperson's Report
F. Standing Committee Reports
G. Old Business
H. New Business
I. Open Session
J. Adjournment

The order of business at any meeting may be altered at the discretion of the Chairperson or presiding officer.


The officers of the Advisory Council shall be a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson.  A Secretary and a Treasurer may be elected as the need arises.  Officers shall be elected by the Advisory Council at the annual reorganizational meeting and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected.  Officers shall not be able to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  Such officers shall be Advisory Council members in good standing.


The Chairperson of the Advisory Council may establish such ad hoc committees as may be necessary to expediate functions of the Advisory Council and shall appoint a chairperson and members of such ad hoc committees as needed.


The quorum for a meeting of the Advisory Council shall be at least fifty (50) percent of the non-vacant seats on the Council.


After notice to the membership, the members of the Advisory Council must, by a 2/3 vote of the members present, amend or revoke these Bylaws at any regular or special meeting duly convened. 

Rev. January 2025