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Visiting Information

Visits are scheduled in 30-minute periods.  Residents are permitted one visit per week as the schedule permits. The resident's probation officer and Juvenile Detention Center administration must approve all visits.  Authorized visitors may call the Juvenile Detention Center to arrange a visit.


  1. Visits must be scheduled in advance. There are no "drop-in" visits. If the visitor is not here at the start of the visit, the visit is canceled. 
  2. Parents or guardians who work during specified visiting times may inquire about the possibility of special visiting times through the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent.
  3. All visitors must provide current, official identification that includes a photo and date of birth.
  4. Residents are limited to two visitors per visit, parents / guardian or grandparents.
  5. Visitors who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted into the facility.
  6. Visitors will secure all unnecessary belongings in a locker in the lobby of the facility.
  7. All visitors are subject to search.
  8. Visitors are expected to dress appropriately. Visitors who fail to do so will not be permitted to visit.
  9. Visitors may not bring anything into the facility.
  10. Visitors are not permitted access beyond the designated visiting area.
  11. Visitors are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. Failure to do so will result in termination of the visit.
  12. Greetings and farewells are limited to a simple kiss or hug. Conversation and physical contact is not allowed between other residents and their visitors.
  13. If the security of the facility is compromised, visits will be terminated.