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Recorder of Deeds Division
Lehigh County Courthouse
455 W. Hamilton Street, Room 122
Allentown PA 18101-1614

Chief Deputy,
Lisa Stella-Ali

Asst. Chief Deputy, 
Catherine Faries

Phone: 610-782-3162
Fax: 610-871-2895



Hours of Operation

Recorder of Deeds Office
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday-Friday

Our office is closed on all major holidays and/or as directed by the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.

GIS PIN Certification
8:00 AM to 3:45 PM


UPI/Parcel ID Information

**The UPI/Parcel ID is required on ALL documents involving real estate in Lehigh County when presented for recording**

UPI Certification began on January 4, 2010, Lehigh County Ordinance 2009-NO.201.

What is a UPI or Parcel ID?
Both refer to the Uniform Parcel Identifier (hereinafter referred to as UPI). A UPI identifies each separate tract, lot, or parcel of real estate in Lehigh County and will allow the identification of a particular parcel of real estate by number. The UPI is made up of a 12-digit PIN followed by a 1 to 5-digit Parnum. Example: 123456789123 1

Where do I find a UPI for a piece of property?
The UPI for each parcel of real estate in Lehigh County can be found in the Lehigh County Assessment Records.

Where do I get a UPI certified?
All documents are submitted to the Recorder of Deeds Division and electronically sent to the Geographic Information System Office (GIS) for certification. For questions regarding a UPI Certification, contact GIS at 610-782-3443.

How much is the fee for the UPI certification?
The fee is $10.00 per UPI. One $10.00 UPI fee is included in the base fee. See the Fee Schedule.

Who assigns UPIs?
GIS, the permanent depository of all county tax maps, assigns a UPI to each parcel of real estate in Lehigh County and certifies each UPI on documents to be recorded.   

           For Parcel Certification frequently asked questions, please click HERE

For any further questions regarding UPI Certification, contact the GIS Department at 610-782-3443.