A confidential system is available to employees and the general public to report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse concerning Lehigh County government.
evaluate county programs and spending to identify potential savings.
investigate policy proposals and their application to county issues.
keep lehigh county government accountable, transparent and accessible to the people.
audit county departments to maintain accurate finances and compliance with best practices.
the lehigh county controller’s office is on the frontlines of identifying county government waste and inefficiency. we propose solutions and savings alternatives that make our county government more accountable and transparent.
the controller and the highly qualified team of professionals are responsible for monitoring county finances, investigating campaign finance violations and serving as the fiscal watchdog for your county tax dollars.
the controller’s office is one of the most important county row offices and serves as your first line of defense against corruption, abuse and wasteful spending.
The Lehigh County Controller, Mark Pinsley, invites you to attend and help spread the word about an important educational town hall on the potential local impact of recent federal budget decisions. This discussion will cover Medicaid funding changes, broader reconciliation budget cuts, and how these federal decisions may affect county services, including nursing homes and other critical programs. This town hall will be lecture-style, with an opportunity for questions at the end. It is open to everyone,
Date: March 11 Time: Arrive by 3:00 PM | Doors close at 3:15 PM | Program begins at 3:15 PM Location: Lehigh County Government Center Address: 17 S 7th St, Allentown, PA 18101
The Lehigh County Controller's Office has successfully passed its Peer Review for the period July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023. The Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA) provides guidelines and standards by wthich government auditing departments are expected to follow. Peer reviews are conducted on a rolling three year basis to determin satisfactory adherance to best practices and procedures.
The Controller's Office recied a positive evaluation from the peer review team tasked with reviewing its policies and practices. The peer review letter and determination can be found here:
Peer Review
The Lehigh County Controller Office has successfully passed its Peer Review for the years 2018-2021. The Association of Local Government Auditors (ALGA) provides guidelines and standards by which government auditing departments are expected to follow. Peer reviews are conducted on a rolling three year basis to determine satisfactory adherence to best practices and procedures.
The Controller's Office received a positive evaluation from the peer review team tasked with reviewing its policies and practices. The peer review letter and determination can be found here:
Lehigh County Controller Mark Pinsley, calls for criminal justice reform in Lehigh County and discusses the lack of transparency from the District Attorney’s Office and Pre-Trial Services. Mark Pinsley, described deliberate acts of obstruction and interference aimed at preventing him from obtaining data concerning cash bail in Lehigh County. The Controller’s Office was warned of potential legal action and repeatedly told it had no legal right to information, despite a ruling from the Solicitor determining the opposite. Mark Pinsley, also called for the formation of a citizen-led reform committee which would investigate alternative investments in our criminal justice system and look at potential improvements such as increasing the size of the Public Defender’s Budget or diverting 911 calls to mental health professionals. Follow the link below, and the password must be typed in, not copied and pasted. https://lehighcounty.zoom.us/rec/share/wJF_AIHy-kJJAYWO10zlau0COYLdaaa80CQe-PBYxEcKn6n1jV2b3oZMilOdso5f
Password: 2B+?l4as